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Campus Resources

Educational Resources

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes or SLOs are statements that specify what a student will know, do, or be able to demonstrate once he/she has participated in a program/event/activity/course.  They describe the specific growth in skills, knowledge, or attitude.  Effective outcomes are student-centered, focus on learning resulting from the activity rather than the activity itself, and align with the departmental, division, and university mission.  Avoid verbs like know, awareness of, appreciate, understand, or become familiar with.

Quick guide to writing a learning outcome

  1. Audience (A) who does the outcome pertain to?
  2. Behavior (B) what do you expect the student to be able to do or know after participating in the activity?
  3. Condition (C) under what conditions or circumstances will the learning occur?
  4. Demonstration (D) how will the learning be shown?

SARA Lending Library

A wide variety of books and resources are available for loan in King 118C.  Topics range from statistical methods, rubric creation, developing focus groups, assessment planning, and student success.

Learn more by visiting these websites