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Divisional Student Leader Initiative

The Student Leader Initiative provides a universal method and tool for staff throughout the UNC Charlotte Division of Student Affairs to use with student leaders in student organizations, programs, or activities to help in the assessment and documentation of enhanced learning and skill development in relation to the students' leadership experiences. The method and tool to inform this initiative was designed for broad participation of student affairs organization advisors, mentors, supervisors and others who work closely with student leaders. 

The Student Leader Initiative provides a direct alignment with the Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan 2022-2027: Part A: Expand high-impact learning practices to strengthen academic and co-curricular development through access to mentoring, developing career competencies, and engaged learning. Using the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies and connecting to the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) Learning and Developmental outcome domains and dimensions as a guide, the following learning outcomes were developed to inform this Divisional Student Leader Initiative. Student leaders engaged with the UNC Charlotte Division of Student Affairs organizations, programs, and/or activities will be able to: 

Problem Solving:

  • Demonstrate effective critical thinking, reflective thinking, and effective reasoning skills as they work through important problems, questions, and issues. 

Career Management:

  • Demonstrate realistic self-appraisal, self-understanding, and self-respect through the exhibition of personal growth and development.
  • Ability to articulate relevant skills, strengths, knowledge and experiences to potential employers.


  • Establish meaningful relationships, work cooperatively with others, and demonstrate skills in guiding and assisting groups in meeting common goals. 

Professionalism/Work Ethic:

  • Show professionalism through the demonstration of effective communication, initiative and continuous improvement of one's work and one's work environment.


  • Engagement in and maintenance of a healthy relationship between health and wellness in accomplishing goals. 

In order to assess the achievement of these learning outcomes identified above, the Division of Student Affairs Student Leader Rubric was developed. The rubric is intended to be used as a direct assessment method in which the student leader and at least one observer who works closely with the student leader (e.g., advisor, mentor, supervisor, etc.) completes the rubric on the student's behalf. It is recommended that the rubric be completed using a pre-post method and utilized as a formative assessment type in order to ensure the most meaningful assessment of leadership skill development of student leaders. Results from this assessment should be used to guide mentoring/advising/supervision related activities with student leaders. Results will be aggregated and analyzed on an annual schedule by Student Affairs Research & Assessment (SARA) to inform the above referenced SLOs at the divisional level. If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Dr. Jordan Bullington-Miller or Dr. Ellissa Brooks Nelson.